Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Religion Going Mountain High, What Religious Path will you Take?

Father John Martin, the spiritual director of Shantivanam, a Christian ashram (learning community) in southeastern India that focuses on the relationship between Christianity and the religions of India (particularly Hinduism and Buddhism) asserts that all the major religions of the world can be compared to a group of hikers climbing up different sides of a high mountain. Each hiker (and religion) takes a unique route to the top. While they are climbing the mountain, they cannot necessarily see one another. They may not even be aware that those in the other climbing parties are also ascending the mountain. They think they are alone as they make the ascent. Yet when they reach the peak, the climbers are surprised to find one another. Think back over the religions studied this semester. Then answer the following:What do you think Father Martin is saying about the different world religions?Do you agree with him? Why or why not?

Father Martin, talks about Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism he talks about all of them going up the mountainside. They are not going up together, they are going up separately. George Bernard Shaw wrote, “There is only one religion”(Shaw). They just take all different approaches. Similarities are more important than the differences in these major religions. In Hinduism Brahman is the God. Nirvana is heaven. God is a real entity. Buddhism focuses on the now, making it as good as possible. We are responsible for our own lives. We should be involved in our community to improve it. The reincarnation is a form of rebirth. Just like in the Christian religion, when we die our soul goes to heaven. We then begin a new life. Buddhism focuses on the now, making it as good as possible. We are responsible for our own lives. We should be involved in our community to improve it. The Bryn Marwr Presbyterian Church also focuses on making the community as good as possible. They welcome new immigrants to United States of America, by offering them language and computer classes. As well many different types of community and special events. Our Catholic Church St Bartholomew’s in Yonkers welcome all children of the community. They have an elementary school for the great community of Yonkers, New York. They have religious and Bible study courses at night. Every Sunday they have food drives for the poor and ill. At Christmas time, the church celebrates with the Christmas Giving Tree. This is a symbol of Jesus Christ’s love for everyone one. The parishioners bring in gifts for needy children of the community. The church also has clothing drives for families who experienced disaster, whether it has been a hurricane, earthquake or severe flood. In the Christian religion we have a lot of Budda’s, (Caring giving people in the Christian religion). Father Martin’s ideas are valid that the similarities amongst the three major religions of the world are more important than the differences.

Chris Thoma
Wed 6:15pm to 9:05pm
Fall 2007
Professor Susan De George

Saturday, December 8, 2007

If Jesus Christ and Martin Luther were time-warped to the present, how do you think they would each respond to each of the major forms of contemporary Christianity (Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestantism)


Roman Catholicism

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. His journey on earth was the best thing that happened to all of mankind. He demonstrated the ultimate sacrifice with his Crucifixation on the Holy Cross, to forgive all peoples’ sins. My belief of Christ’s teachings would be similar to what he displayed, while preaching 2007 years ago. Jesus would approve of some of the modern Roman Catholicism ideas, but not all. The 7 sacraments, rituals that are practiced today would be pleasing to the Lord Jesus Christ, as would all of today’s modern community outreach programs, such as food drives, and the Giving Christmas Tree, to provide needy people with food and gifts and clothing, during the holidays. Alcoholics Anonymous Programs, blood drives, and the Catholic School System would also be greatly appreciated. The Catholic religion has great respect for the Pope, who is the highest leader of Catholics in the world. The Pope promotes peace and justice for all nations and cultures. There are many problems in this church that Jesus would certainly not approve of. There is sexual abuse in the church, far too many divorces in the Catholic Church, and the frequent practice of abortion. Jesus in the most traditional way would not want people to steal from the wealth of the church. This has been going on for centuries after his death and resurrection to heaven. Perhaps a he would demonstrate a modern-day miracle to strengthen the belief in Him and the Roman Catholic way of life.

Eastern Orthodox

Jesus would be delighted by the fact that Eastern Orthodox Church is the least changed from its eastern traditional roots, which go back to the beginning of Christianity. They have preserved the teaching and traditions of the Twelve Apostles of 2007 years ago. It still uses the original Christian calendar, which sets the dates for the significant events in Christ’s life, in chronological order. Every Holy Day in the Orthodox religion, and every Sunday of the year are dedicated to Christ’s Resurrection. The Icons of the Orthodox Church are not idols, or objects of worship. It is the people or God who are depicted in the Icon, who are adored, and emulated.


The Holy Scriptures of the Presbyterian hymns and the faith in Jesus Christ would make Jesus feel proud and respected. I think that Jesus would approve and seek an increase in the amount of Holy Sacraments practiced on a regular basis. The Lord’s Supper might be served on a daily basis, not just on infrequent Sunday mornings. The Communion represents the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.



Roman Catholicism

Martin Luther had no respect for the Pope in his lifetime, but if he were alive today he would probably think differently. While he would certainly not believe that he Pope is infallible, the Popes of today are not treated like Kings of the past. The Holy Father now listens and respects all cultures, races, and religions of the world. Luther would approve of the Faith in Jesus Christ our Savior. Martin believed in “Strong Faith”. The Catholics believed in greater detail. Saints, popes, bishops, while still respected, are really only human beings who can make mistakes, or use poor judgment. Luther recognized this in his own lifetime! He would still want the Catholic Church to emphasize the Scriptures in the Bible. He would be very happy with the hymns being sung at Mass, at each religious service, or sacrament. We now have Adult Bible Study in our Catholic Church! The Catholic religion is now nearing the acceptance of married clergy. Martin Luther, would most likely speed up the process with his teachings and philosophy.

Eastern Orthodox

Jesus is the focus, which would make Mr. Martin Luther also very pleased. The Icons of the Orthodox Church are not idols, or objects of worship. It is the people or God that are depicted in the Icon, who are adored. He would be very happy with the hymns and formal use of music in this church. Luther would approve of the translation of the Bible in the church, into the native languages of the countries of the Eastern World. He would also approve of the married clergy of the Orthodox Faith.


The Holy Scriptures of the Presbyterian hymns and the faith in Jesus Christ would make Jesus feel proud and respected. This would also please Martin Luther. Luther would also approve of the use of native language in the prayer services, of each country, which practices Protestantism.


Chris Thoma
Wednesday 6:15 to 9:05PM
Professor Susan De George
Fall 2007

Friday, November 23, 2007

Jesus Christ and His Miracles

Jesus Christ (king or Messiah) was born 2007 years ago. Modern civilization marks his birth by dividing time B.C. (before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini/ year of our Lord). For his first thirty years, Jesus lived a traditional life, working as a carpenter. During this time, all of Israel was under Caesar's Roman dictatorship, including Bethlehem, where Jesus was born, and Nazareth, where he was raised. In his thirties, Jesus began his public teaching and display of recorded miracles. There were many miracles that Jesus Christ had performed while teaching and ministering. Turning water into wine (John 2:1-11). A lame man is healed (John 5:1-6). Calming the storm on the sea of Galilee (Mark 4:35-41). Many demons are cast out of a man (Mark 5:1-20). Jairus's daughter is raised from the dead (Mark 5:21-43). Feeding 5,000 people with a few loaves & fishes (Mark 6:35-44). Walking on water (Mark 6:45-52). Lararus is raised from the dead (John 11:1-45). A blind man receives his sight (Mark 10:46-52). A miraculous catch of fish for the disciples (John 21:1-14). Jesus demonstrated amazing power for healing, nature, and raising people form the dead. Many witnesses observed the strength, heart, and will of Jesus Christ. Many non-believers of Christ became instant believers. All of these amazing miracles performed by Jesus Christ inspired the Christian faith to move forward and get stronger for the world of Christian followers. As a result of these miraculous events, the number of his followers increased dramatically. Jesus claimed to be God, which was a violation of the Jewish law. The religious leaders told the Roman government to execute Jesus Christ. In many trials, the Romans found that he was not guilty of breaking any Roman law. Also, the Jewish leaders recognized that Jesus followed the Jewish law perfectly, despite, Jesus' claim to be God. Religious leaders, using the argument of political disfavor, influenced the Roman governor to authorize an execution. Jesus was brutally tortured and then hung by his hands, which were nailed to a horizontal wooden beam cross. As much as 500 witnesses saw Jesus Christ return from the dead, three days later. Over the next 40 days Jesus journeyed in both the southern and northern parts of Israel. To many observers, this was proof that Jesus' claims to be God were real. Jesus returned to Jerusalem, the city where he was recently executed, and according to witnesses, he left the earth alive by rising up into the sky. Jesus Christ performed and demonstrated extraordinary events in the course of his journey on earth. Today Christianity is the largest religion in the world, due to the belief in the God Almighty Jesus Christ. The Story of Jesus Christ is the greatest story ever told. I am a proud Christian follower of Jesus Christ and a believer of his powerful miracles.

Chris Thoma
Fall 2007
6:15 to 9:05 P.M.
Professor Susan De George

Jesus Christ and His Miracles

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

During the week write a Religion Topic of your choosing? Due Nov 13th

During the week on channel 13, Sesame Street was featuring a segment on the Jewish religion, and culture. They were teaching the youngsters how to make Jewish bread. It is called Holly Bread. The Jewish/Hebrew spelling is “Challah” bread. It is made of raised dough and the loaf of the bread has a spiral shape to it. The bread is twisted and braided before it is bake in the oven. The braids represent the memories of past memories that woven into our everyday lives of the Jewish Culture. It served with honey on holidays to wish for a sweet upcoming year. It is passed on to one generation to the next. The Rabbi often blesses it. This type of food is very important to the Jewish culture. It is similar to their Holy Communion served at their homes during suppertime. The bread is covered with a prayer cloth before it is served, and a prayer of thanksgiving is praised to God. The Jewish religion is an interesting world religion. Please post any comments?

Chris Thoma
6:15 to 9:05pm
Fall 2007
Professor Susan De George

The Religion of Judaism Due Nov 13th

Religious practices differ among Jews, but they all believe in the one Superior Being called “God”. He works through historical events, and he works through the Jewish people as his agents. Another word for God in the Jewish religion is “El”. Male babies are circumcised from the ancient times to today. They observe the Sabbath, as a day of worship, because God rested on the 7th day when he created the world. He talks about the Exodus, from Egypt and its slavery. These events and characters have become the heart of the Jewish religion. God basically freed the slaves of Egypt. He also revealed to his leaders the laws of the Jewish religion. These are written in the Hebrew Bible, and the Exodus is celebrated in various Jewish holidays such as Hanukkah, Yom Kippur, and Passover. God gave the 10 commandments to “Moses”, which they follow as we do, in the Christian religion. Jewish people of the world, worship in a Synagogue or a Temple. Passover is a Jewish holiday celebrated in the spring, which remembers the freeing of the Israelis from Egyptian slavery. Orthodox Judaism is the largest group within the Jewish religion. They want to preserve the original Jewish culture and religion. These types of Jews want kosher food laws to remain strict. Also they want a strict observance of the Sabbath, their Holy Day. Men and women are separated, and they must cover their heads. Hebrew is always used during services. Conservative Judaism has a greater concern for the scientific study of the Bible. Hebrew is not used as much. They tend to worship on Saturday morning. Men are still required to cover their heads during service, and they try to live by the Bible and Talmud, regarding their food and religious services. Reform Judaism is the continuation of the development of the Jewish religion. The Talmud has no authority for the modern day Jew, and they seek no Messiah and no homeland, except for the land of their birth. They use less Hebrew in their worship. Their synaquouges are called temples. Kosher food laws are not as strict. Music was introduced into their religious services, through choirs and organ music. The Jewish religion of the world is a strict, filled with many old customs and traditions.
Please post any comments?

Chris Thoma
6:15 to 9:05pm
Fall 2007
Professor Susan De George

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

During the week, Write a Religion Topic of Your Choosing. Due Nov 6th

Thoughts On “Elie Weisel”

This story about “Elie Weisel” is a very sad story. His was a survivor of the “Concentration Camps” in World War II. Despite his entire family being executed in the death camps, he would later inspire the world with his remarkable determination of strength, will, and courage. As I can see, he became a well renowned writer of the 20th Century. His stories have touched all people and admirers who have read his literature. This man is the perfect example, of one who never gives up his faith in life. No matter what devastating circumstances he may have emcountered due to discrimination and hate, “Elie Weisel” has become a modern day “hero” for the oppressed people of the world. He has helped to educate people of all races, colors, and cultures. Maybe, “Elie Weisel” can write a letter to help the monks who are being beaten and killed in Myanmar, formally know as “Burma”. I am sure that with his great reputation, it should help the monks in Myanmar achieve the religious freedom that they truly deserve! His positive feedback will greatly influence the government and the country of Burma to listen to what he has to say. He might organize and march in some type of peaceful demonstration, for the monks. The story of “Elie Weisel” has touched the entire world we all live in. Please post any comments?

Chris Thoma
6:15P.M to 9:05 P.M
Fall 2007Professor Susan De George