Saturday, October 13, 2007

World Reaction to People in Myanmar

Marchers protest in Myanmar. They are fighting for change. These people are looking for democracy. The Buddhist monks are like Gandhi. They are leading peaceful protests. While they are protesting they are being killed. At first the world was not aware of this situation. Now, a UN representative was sent to talk to their military leaders. The UN leader felt that he did not make any progress. More intervention will probably become available as more people learn of these horrors. It is like these poor people are put to war in their own country. The UN representative will hopefully go back again to solve this dilemma. Also monks are marching in other parts of the world, such as London, Australia, Paris. The British Prime Minister Brown said, “the anger of the world has been expressed about the outrages that have taken place against the people of Burma”(The Journal News 5 Oct 2007). In Taipei hundreds of people protested during a typhoon. To help the Buddhists monks in Myanmar. I feel great that other parts of the world are putting pressure on them. What do you think is going to happen? Do you have any suggestions on this topic. Feel free to post your comments?

News Article:

Chris Thoma
Wednesday 6:15pm to 9:05pm
Professor Susan De George
Fall 2007

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