Thursday, October 25, 2007

Monks Make Appeal for Peace

Burmese monks and supporters walk and marched through Rockland County on October 22, 2007. The marcher’s focus is on the violence that is going on in Myanmar, which is formerly known as Burma. Protesters that said “Free Burma”, as sweet aromas rose from candlesticks, wore many posters. The peace walk, was lead by Jun Yasuda, a Buddhist monk. This peaceful march in protest it being done as a request to ask the U.N Security Council to take action on this matter. Hopefully, the U.N and the world will end military violence in Myanmar. Buddhist monk and leaders, who are already in prison for working for democracy, are afraid of being executed to death. “The group has between 25 and 50 walkers everyday”(The Journal News 22 Oct 2007). They also ask if we write letters to the U.N Security Council and the leaders of our government. Perhaps we can write letters or march peacefully in the support of these gentle people of Burma. The entire world is watching as this continues to go on. Please post any comments.

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