Tao-tzu said to live simply. Live like nature, don’t be jealous of others. Help nature flourish for the years to come. We intend to address the internal way of the universe. All that has, does, and will exist. All things in existence must be of the external way. Don’t overly use your credit card. Don’t buy more than you need in you everyday life. The philosopher Confucius said wise sayings in China to help people learn about nature, the world, and human behavior. He helped give advice to the government of China and the emperor by teaching them lessons on how the emperor should rule China successfully. Both philosophers combined will help us live a peaceful and simple life. We will live more like god’s creatures. In today’s modern world we have the Dali Lama in Tibet. He is a spiritual leader of his country and mentor to the world. He recently received the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor. He spoke on behalf of his country of Tibet, to Congress, and the world. He is a pacifist who is encouraging the U.S to help fight for the people of Myanmar to achieve freedom and democracy. He wants us to promote harmony and human rights and justice. He does not want to get involved with the big state government of China. The Dali Lama appears to be inspired by Confucius when he lectures to the people of the world against big government. But he does not want the government to restrict the people’s basic rights. His attire is a symbol of his stoic nature, and love of the simpler things in life. The world should respect these religious leaders and their philosophers. The world will become a much better place to live in.
Wednesday 6:15 to 9:05 pm
Fall 2007
Professor Susan De George
Christopher great article on the Dali-Lama. I also believe the world should respect these religious leaders. I think if we all had an open mind. Maybe just maybe there wouldn't be so many wars.
Hello, Marcos.
Thanks for your positive feedback.
I am happy you enjoyed my article. If more people think logically towards this topic, then the world will flourish in a great way!
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