Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Dr. Rev. Thomas A. Hughart Leader of The Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church In Yonkers, New York

Question to ask clergyperson: Of the religious tradition, regarding the traditions beliefs, ethics, and ritual practices and how they are related to one another?

Dr. Rev, Thomas A. Hughart was ordained 51 years. I spoke with him following the services being held at the Presbyterian Church In Yonkers, New York on Sunday October 21, 2007. We spoke about beliefs, rituals, ethics, and the Presbyterian Community in Yonkers, New York.


What does the Congregation emphasize?“Diversity, which is celebrated. In the church 17 different countries from South America, Europe, and Asia etc are honored” (Hughart).

What does Presbyterian mean? “Is a Greek word (power of the church) which is vested in (Elders church session) all the Power is in the “Church Scriptures” (Hughart).

Over time, what has changed Presbyterian Religion’s major beliefs, issues, Church? “Interpretations of Scriptures used as a “Metaphor” for understanding our life of events” (Hughart).


How has your worship practice changed over the years?“Inclusive of Hymns, from Latin America, and Africa. Rock Contemporary music was used in Church (Bruce CockBurn CD) Projections were used in Church (Modern Technology)” (Hughart).

My religion is Catholic Vs. Presbyterian religion? “In communion Catholics are given every mass, only once a month in the Presbyterian religion. They serve grape juice, not wine. The Rev Thomas Hughart will visit hospitals and bless people who are ill and serve them Communion. “The Lords Prayer” is said “debts and debtors”(Hughart).


Big issues denomination? “Do not ordain Gay and Lesbians” (Hughart).

What is the Role of Women? “Its is very important, they can serve in all positive positions in the church as an Elder or Minister”. Yes, “women can become a minister or a Reverend” (Hughart).

What are your Community Affairs? “Nest for Korean, Indian congregation fellowship, Orthodox Church of India, Senior Citizens Group, Recovery Group for Mental Illness in Yonkers, New York, Alcoholic Anonymous in Yonkers, New York”(Hughart).

How would your church help immigrants? “We welcome them, with English as second language Spanish as a second language, and computer classes that are free” (Hughart).

How would you help with the War In Iraq? “Opposing the war in Iraq. The Presbyterian Church does not believe Israel controls God’s Foreign Policy” (Hughart).


Do you work with other Churches? “Good Shepard Jointly on Walnut Street, in Yonkers, New York” (Hughart). “The Good South Presbyterian Church on Radford Street, in Yonkers, New York” (Hughart).

Chris Thoma
6:15 to 9:05 p.m
Professor Susan De Georoge
Fall 2007


Chonte said...

What religion are you if you don't mind me asking. The Presbyterian church seems like any type of person would fill comfort in going to this church just because there are no strict rules on how the person has to be. It pretty much seems like all you have to do is be yourself and love and praise god.

CTreligion said...

Hello, Chonte.

I was raised Catholic in New York. I felt very comfortable when I was attending service at the Presbyterian Church in Yonkers. The minister, and his followers were very kind to me. They treated all the people in the service as if we were all one.They welcome new immigrants to our country, for a better standard of living. All different types of races are accepted in this Church. Women are treated as equals. It was truly a wonderful experience in my life. Thanks, for showing interest on this great topic.


Susan De George said...


Did Rev. Hughart say why women can be ordained in the Presbyterian Church? (As you know they can't in the Roman Catholic tradition.) And did he explain anything about why the ordination of gays and lesbians is such a big issue in this denomination?