God is called Brahman the Ultimate Reality in Hinduism. Central to Hinduism are the concepts of reicarnation, the caste system, merging with Brahman or the Ultimate Reality finding morality, and reaching Nirvana. Nirvana is the peaceful escape from the cycle of reincarnation. Buddhism is regarded as a religion without an Absolute Creator God who created the universe. Absolute Creator God is absent in most forms of Buddhism, vneration and worship of Gautama Buddha and other Buddhas do play a role in both Theravada and Mahayanna Buddhism. When speaking of the Jainism perspective, God does not create, nor does he favor those who praise him, for what would make God imperfect. God simply inspires, and that is what Jain worship is for. The fundamental belief of Sikhism is that God exists, not merely as an idea or concept, but as a real enity, indescribable yet knowable and perceivable to anyone who is prepared to dedicate the time and energy to become perceptive to his or her persona. Buddhism focuses on the now, making it as good as possible. We are responsible for our own lives. We should be involved in our community to improve it. Jainism broke away form Hinduism. Jainism soul is considered life it is eternal. Thus souls are held in matter, which comes from Karma, which are the past's actions of our life's, so the soul is never free, and it lives endless lives. The world existed forever and ever it was never created. They don't rely on gods. It is an urban religion. They feel if you do good work on earth your soul will be released. They don't really speak of a heaven. Sikhism is a very simple religion. They have no priests. The people are the ministers. Indra is the god of the thunderbolt, rain, cluds, and the ruler of heaven. Nirvana is literally blowing out of the end cousciousness. Releases to the cycle of rebirth. It lets you extingusih yourself. Sansara is dying and being reborn 1000 different lifetimes. Does your personal religion relate to anyone of these types of religions? Please post any comments.
Chris Thoma
Wednesday 6:15 to 9:05p.m
Professor Susan De George
Fall 2007
Your blog is really cool and interesting. I love the pictures and the readings are interesting as well.
Hello, Voni.
I am happy that you like my blog post this week. Thank you for your nice comment.
Your blog is really nice i like how u have all the pictures.
Hello, Krissy.
Thank you for your reply and positive feedback.
Hello, Professor De George.
Buddhism, like my religion has belief in one God. The Catholic religion believes in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe in an after life, but we do not believe in reincarnation. The people that do well in the Catholic religion can become saints. They are like the Buddha’s in the world; they do well in the world. They provide good deeds and service for needy and the children.
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