Sunday, September 9, 2007

Second Post During the Week: George Bernard Shaw Wrote: There is only one Religion, though there are hundred versions of it”. Do you agree with Shaw?

I agree with George Bernard Shaw, because if you look at the three major religions, Christianity, Protestant, Judaism, they share similar beliefs and practices. These religions are Monolithic. They believe in one God or superior being. They get their beliefs from and rules from the Old Testament Teachings and the Bible. All these religions influence people to do good rather than evil in the world. Family is very important to them; they honor their parents and the older generation. They welcome children into their families. They practice the golden rule which says, love your neighbors as yourself. Each religion has leaders, teachers, and role models. The Jewish religion has rabbis and cantors. The Christian religion has Priests. The Protestant religion has ministers and pastors. Each religion builds its own beautiful buildings of worship. The Catholics and Protestants have churches. The Jews have temples and synagogues. The major rites of passage in Life are celebrated through the religions. A new baby is brought to church for Baptism. A Rabbi performs the circumcision on a brand new male baby. Marriages are celebrated at the temple or church. A Catholic child is confirmed at twelve or thirteen years of age. A Jewish child of thirteen has a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah. When people die they are brought to church or temple for their funerals, before they go on to their afterlife. They all have separate schools, which focus on their religious teachings. Therefore, these are some of the shared beliefs and principles, which prove that George Bernard Shaw is correct, when he states, “There is only one religion, with differing versions of it, throughout the world!

Chris Thoma
6:15 to 9:05 pm
Fall 2007

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