Thursday, September 27, 2007

Title: Hinduism in the 21st Century Great Britain

During the week, write at least one more post on a religion topic of your choosing.
Due October 2nd

There are millions of Hindus in the world. There are around 500,000 Hindus living in Great Britain today. Most Hindu settled in the inner city and were raised as poor people. They had menial jobs or worked at mom and pop businesses, such as grocery stores, or clothing stores. They used old church halls for their temples. Their parents and grandparents started schools in which their language and scripture, and performing arts were taught. Also, modern traditions have begun. The young women no longer wear the traditional dress as much. The young people have their own types of music. Many young teen and adult students have developed efficiency in the field of higher learning. Hindus in Britain have advanced their training and education with college degrees in engineering, accounting, and law. They are becoming a huge asset to the country of Great Britain. This is due to the traditions instilled from their grandparents and great grand-parents who were inspired by the great Mohandas K. Gandhi. His religious influence has inspired the people to rise to their expectations in life. The Hindu culture is to be admired by all in this modern British world! Do you know any Hindus? Do you feel that they have reached the highest level? Or can they go to new lengths? Are any of you of the Hindu religion in class? Has anyone been to a Hindu ceremony or worship? Please post any comments.

Chris Thoma
Wednesday 6:15 to 9:05pm
Professor Susan De George
Fall 2007

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